living meadow creek thanks you for your love, connection & community over the last several years – we pray for further connections to be made in the future
a waldorf, place-based, outdoor,
farm & forest community
Meadow Creek’s programs and land tending are community created and couldn’t happen without volunteers and our member families. Thank you for your participation!
Our Mission
The overall mission of a Waldorf education is to produce kind, free-thinking, moral adults. This innate responsibility to our next-generation begins with a strong foundation in early childhood. With respect for the unique time of growth and transformation of children throughout this season—head, hearts and hands—Meadow Creek’s mission is to provide a space of reverence and wonder within which children may grow and thrive in relationship to each other, adults, the natural world and the greater community.
We Acknowledge This Land
Meadow Creek Community Farm acknowledges the land we now steward is the ancestral homeland of Coast Salish and Chinookan peoples including the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, Grand Ronde, Cowlitz and more. We acknowledge their stewardship of the land and waters, and seek to align ourselves with their living example and values for all future generations.